
For Adults

Monday Bible Study Group

Bible Study is led by our Pastor and is held on Monday mornings from 9:45-10:45 AM year-round in the Sanctuary and on Channel 966 at Dickson Hollow.  Everyone is invited!  The group studies varies topics which may include the lectionary texts for the upcoming Sunday worship service or other short-term studies.  Bring your bible and join us as we delve into God’s Holy Word speaking to us today.

Faith Conversations

In 2022-2023, Living Hope invited leaders from other faith traditions to come and tell us about their faith and answer questions from the group.  Some of the past faith traditions we have spoken with include: United Church of Christ, Reform Judaism, American Baptist Church USA, Lutheran – ELCA and Missouri Synod, Catholic, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Islamic Society of Milwaukee Brookfield, and Non-Denominational Congregational.

Click here to watch some of our Previous Faith Conversations
