
We take mission seriously!!!

We at LHPC are committed to the work of our Lord through these active and hands-on mission projects. We celebrate God’s activity in the projects we undertake as we gather to work in the name of Jesus Christ.

Mission is seen within our church walls as we care for each other day-to-day and as special needs surface. We offer daily prayer for members and friends, regular deacon contact, and weekly community prayers during worship that are shared again the following week. 

Mission is seen outside our church walls through our commitment to be an active presence in the community through raising funds to help local missions, as well as nationally through disaster relief mission trips.

As a Matthew 25 Church, we focus our mission efforts towards Food Security. In 2022, we began a raised bed garden in collaboration with Dickson Hollow, growing food for Food for the Journey, a program with Apostle Presbyterian in West Allis.  In 2021, we hosted a matching funds initiative to assist the Waukesha Food Pantry in their efforts to combat Food Deserts in the county. Our congregation raised more than we asked, and we sent $3445 to help fund their initiatives.  

In our faith community and in our individual lives, responding to God’s call to mission takes all shapes and forms… providing meals to the homeless, visiting shut ins, volunteering in outside organizations that help our community, teaching our children about Jesus Christ… all of these are ways that we put our faith into action through the name of Jesus Christ, reaching out with care and compassion.  It is our Call to Mission!

Some of our current mission projects include:

  • Waukesha Food Pantry and Menomonee Falls Food Pantry—numerous donations of money and purchased food is collected year-round and donated to both pantries. We donate over $3000 in donations plus bags and bags of groceries every year. 
  • Four for Four – we send donations to all four of the PC (USA) giving – One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peace and Global Witness and the Christmas Joy offering. 
  • Food for the Journey– growing food for the assistance program through Apostle Presbyterian in West Allis. 
  • Disaster Relief through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) – Living Hope gives yearly to current relief efforts through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.