

Rev. Will Houts has served as Pastor at Living Hope since July 2017.  Will can be reached at or at 262-599-8340.

Administrative Assistant, Lisa Quinn

Lisa has been our Administrative Assistant since 2016, sharing her time as admin at another church and area community theaters designing costumes.

Lisa is in the office Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30-12:30 pm and remotely checks in throughout the week. Please email your questions for a timely response.
Office: 262-599-8341

Musician, Teresa Ledford

Teresa joined us just before Christmas in 2021.

In Memorium

Musician, Dr. Wallace Cheatham

Dr. Wallace Cheatham served Brookfield Presbyterian/Living Hope Presbyterian as the Music Director and Organist/pianist for close to 20 years. We cherish the time we were able to worship with Dr. Cheatham.